Beginpagina Beelden op de kaart>
Expositie Beelden op de kaart>
Naar kaart Gasselterboerveen>
‘Watercolour Raft’>
Regionummer 8
Locatienummer 63
Locatie Gasselterboerveen

2m diameter aluminium ‘berry’ on 6m steel pole.
Original image source
Blueberry juice and watercolour on 638gsm HP watercolour paper and digital photograph.
Blueberry field, Gasselterboerveen, Drenthe, Nederland.
My work Blueberry is in honour of Gasselterboerveens’ proud heritage of farming the humble blueberry.
I made this sculpture using my very own blueberry crop sourced from the local Coop store in the UK but who knows,
my supply may have originated in the fields of Gasselterboerveen- I’d like to think so.
Link naar de film Blueberry juice and watercolour>

Blueberry juice and watercolour

